Our Educational Philosophy
The educational philosophy of Chisago Christian School is based on a God-centered view of truth and man as presented in the Bible. Since God created and sustains all things through His Son, Jesus Christ, the universe and all life are dynamically related to God and have the purpose of glorifying Him. This is pointedly true of man who was made in God's image, different in kind from all other creation, with the unique capacity to know and respond to God personally and voluntarily. Because man is a sinner by nature and choice, he cannot, in this condition, know and honor God in his life. He can do this only by being born again through receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and thus be enabled to do God's will, which is the ultimate purpose of his life.
The entire process of education is seen as a means used by the Holy Spirit to bring the student into fellowship with God, to help him become strong or mighty in spirit, to assist him in developing a Christian mind, to enable him to think God's thoughts, to train him in Christ-likeness, and to help the student demonstrate Christ-like character qualities so that he can fulfill God's total purpose for his life personally and vocationally. He is taught to see all truth as God's truth and to integrate it with and interpret it by God's Word. He is educated as an individual with his own unique abilities and personality who learns to live and work with others at home, in the church, and in a changing secular society. Ideally, he interacts with and is taught by parents and teacher models who are themselves born again and have this perspective on life.
The authority for such an education comes from God's command that children be taught to love God and place Him first in their lives and from the fact that parents are responsible for the total education and training of their children. At the parents' request, the Christian school, along with the church, becomes a partner in giving this education. Our Christian school is an extension, and a ministry of, our local, independent church (Chisago Lakes Baptist Church). Our school serves our parents and others of like mind in our community who desire to fulfill their responsibility of educating their child from a uniquely Christ-centered perspective.
K-4 (Kindergarten Readiness)
CCS offers two options for the K4 program. The first option is a 3-day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) full day program. The second option is a 5-day (Monday through Friday) full day program. Both programs are full days and run from 8:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Please contact the school office for more information.
K-5 Kindergarten
Our Kindergarten (5 year olds) is a five day per week, full day program. Interested families are encouraged to call our school office, make an appointment with our administrator, and have your child tested for Kindergarten readiness. The cost of testing is $40 and we can arrange that at your convenience. Students must be 5 by September 1.
What Do We Learn In Kindergarten?
We learn to read through a strong phonics-based program which includes phonics rules, blends, and special sounds.
We learn to read sentences and complete twelve books containing one and two vowel words!
We learn our numbers from 1-100.
We learn how to count by two's, five's and ten's.
We learn how to add addition facts, 1-10.
And that's not all...
We learn about plants, animals and seeds.
We learn about God's plan for me!
We learn about the weather and the seasons.
We learn about our great country and famous Americans.
We learn about God's Word, the best subject of all!
Kindergarten through the 6th Grade
Our Programs
Traditional education
Utilizes BJU Press Curriculum Primarily and other christian curriculum
Small Teacher to Student Ratios
High Annual Stanford Achievement Testing Results
Prayer is encouraged
Bible classes daily
7th Grade through 12th Grade
Our Programs
Traditional education
Small Teacher to Student Ratios
Bible classes daily
Post Secondary Education
We offer opportunities for students to earn dual credits through our Post Secondary Enrollment Options program. This programis limited and requires approval.
Colleges and Universities Attended by CCS/CLBS Graduates
In the past 10 years our graduates have done well at many undergraduate institutions including:
Anoka Ramsey Community College
Arizona State University
Bethel University, St. Paul, MN
Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC
Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH
Crown College, St. Bonifacius, MN
College of Saint Benedict, Saint Joseph, MN
College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN
Faith Baptist Bible College & Seminary, Ankeny, IA
Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ
Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
Maranatha Baptist University, Watertown, WI
Northland International University, Dunbar, WI
Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, FL
St. Catherine University, Minneapolis St. Paul
United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Liberal Arts
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Science and Engineering
University of Northwestern, Saint Paul, MN