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Former Student Testimony

I wasn't a Christian when I left CCS and quite frankly left confused by the whole aspect of Christianity. Looking back, I remember my teachers, gently trying to guide and encourage me to come to a saving faith, teach me Biblical doctrine, and setting an example, but it never connected.


I left bitter, but later realized it was because I wanted so desperately to be like all the other kids in the world. They all seemed to be having so much fun, and here I was, stuck in a school where I couldn't even wear jeans. CCS was really a light in a dim, dark world. Although my own heart was clouded by sin, and wanted nothing to do with God, a seed was planted, and miraculously, only by God's sovereign and saving grace, I came to the knowledge of my sin, repented, and put my faith and trust in the Savior. I wish I knew, at the time, what an incredible gift it was to be a part of that school.


For so long I was bitter because I felt that CCS just sheltered me from the world, leaving me unprepared. On the contrary, what better way to prepare a young man than to teach him from kindergarten the principles that are in the Word of God, and provide a place where I could grow in holiness and be subjected to such a kind and wonderful Savior! Please let the teachers know to stay encouraged and if it seems as if their words fall void, encourage them to hold fast to the truth and to preach the Word in season and out.

My prayer is that the kids who leave CCS will come to see the gift they had in it, even if it takes ten years. It's scary for me to think about what would have happened if I didn't have those years at CCS. I want to thank you and all the staff for their dedication to such a glorious and brilliant saving truth.

Parent Testimony

My son started his first job this past year and is working alongside kids from the community. Most of his coworkers are students at the local high school. His job has confirmed to me that the "world" they are exposed to through the public educational system is far different than the one he has been blessed with during his years at CCS. As teenage kids will do, they talk about a lot of different things. In particular, the subjects of drinking, drugs, and sex have come up. Almost all of the kids he works with have lost their innocence. My son has explained that he is waiting for that one special lady that he will someday marry. My son is a good-looking, athletic, personable and outgoing kid. One day, one of our female students went to his place of work to say, "hi" and the boys couldn't understand why he was not involved with her. My son is a light in a dark place and I am so incredibly proud of the stand for the Lord that he is willing to take.


He and I have since discussed the differences in the schools and the environments and the blessing CCS has been for him. I think he's realizing it more and more. As a parent, I am even more convinced that I will continue to send my children to CCS. It is indeed a blessing to know that every day my kids go to school, the Christian values that my wife and I hold dear are reinforced by their school, not questioned or torn down. If other parents realized the value of a Christian education, they might have a different opinion. Many will say they cannot afford the tuition, but I would gladly sacrifice my new car or other luxuries if it means keeping my children at CCS. Thank you, teachers, for the fine work you all do. We greatly appreciate you.

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